Medical Cables

Medical cable assemblies are vital in the healthcare sector, serving as critical links in the functionality and reliability of many devices and equipment. These specialized cables are essential for transmitting power and data, and are extensively used in diagnostic imaging systems like MRI and CT scanners and patient monitoring equipment like ECG and EEG machines.

Because medical cables directly impact diagnostic accuracy and patient care, there are stringent industry standards engineers and manufacturers must follow to ensure safety and reliability.

The medical industry is well diversified in its requirements for multiconductor cables. Medical cables and interconnects conduct electrical signals for technologically advanced applications such as Hearing Devices, Patient Monitors, Dental Equipment, Electrosurgical Devices, and Pacemakers.

A good cable design will take into account many factors to provide proper signal transmission. A truly superior design will tailor the material selection of your cable to ensure that a comprehensive set of characteristics matches the application.